dijous, 24 de maig del 2012

New York GoPro Snapshots

Fa uns dies vaig anar a trobar-me amb els meus pares a Nova York, ja que venien cap a Califòrnia però van fer una parada tècnica. Jo hi havia d'anar si o si, per que l'última vegada que hi vaig anar encara hi havia Torres Bessones i en Clinton encara era conegut com a polític i no com a astífice del que esteu pensant, ments brutes. Em vaig endur la réflex que sempre passejo pel món i també la GoPro, tenia ganes d'experimentar amb un ull de peix. Però va resultar que vaig experimentar molt més del que m'esperava per que vaig tenir un petit incident amb la meva mare. La GoPro té una interfície usuari tan intuitiva com la d'un jeroglífic, i és complicat canviar les característiques de cada mode d'ús sense tenir el manual al costat. Doncs bé, ella va ser capaç de que cada vegada que s'encengués, automàticament fes una foto cada 5 segons. Ens en vam adonar una estona més tard, quan duia 900 fotos de la meva butxaca. Després, l'encenia i l'apagava a ratxes. Va ser un experiment curiós, fer fotos sense poder triar ni quan les fas ni com queden (no té visualitzador). 

Some days ago I went to New York to meet my parents, since they were coming to California to visit me and they were doing a pretty cool stop-over. I wanted to go there no matter what, since last time I was there, you could still find the Twin Towers and Clinton was still well known as a politician and not for what you're thinking, dirty minds. I took the DLSR that I walk around the world with me. And I also took the GoPro because I wanted to experiment with a fisheye camera. It turned out, though, that I experimented waaaay more than what I expected, due to a tiny issue with my mother. GoPro has a user interface as friendly as a hieroglyph, and this makes it very difficult to change the characteristics of each mode without having the manual nearby. No matter what, my mother was able to change it and made that every time that the camera was turned on, it would take a picture every 5 seconds. We realized 900 pictures of my pocket later. After, I turned it on for a while and then off. It was an interesting experiment, to actually shoot without being able to choose neither when you shoot nor checking how it turned out (doesn't have a display).

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