divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011

Restaurant que dóna menjar gratis als obesos

A mi em deien exagerat quan deia que Estats Units té tants WTF com els que pugui tenir Japó. Si bé és cert que els estils dels WTF són ben diferents, si tenim en compte el nombre, jo crec que van ben empatats.
I was called exagerated when I said that USA has as many WTF as Japan may have. Even though it is true that the style in the WTF is completely different, numberwise I think they are quite even.

Aquest és el cartell d'un restaurant que hi havia al Downtown de Las Vegas. A sobre de dir-se Heart Attack Grill, que ja dóna una idea del tipus de menjar que es serveix, el cartell també anuncia que si algú pesa més de 350 lliures (o 157 kg) menja gratis. A dins del restaurant, hi havia unes televisions on hi sortien obesos menjant hamburgueses de la manera més guarra possible i infermeres sexis cuidant-los quan tenien un atac de cor. Davant del restaurant hi havia unes infermeres repartint tríptics queixant-se de coses. "Obvi" vaig pensar. Al apropar-me i, després de que m'informéssin de les seves reivindicacions, ja si que em vaig quedar parat. No es queixàven de que un restaurant fés apologia de la obesitat mórbida i dels problemes cardíacs que comporta. Es queixaven de que el restaurant tenia a les cambreres vestides de infermera i ho trobàven degradant. Molt bé, doncs si la vostra reivindicació és la erradicació de l'infermera com a icona sexual no et queda feina ni res. Ara, que al 2010 tinguéssin un 33.8% d'obesos (que no sobrepes) al pais no sembla preocupar a ningú.
This sign is from a restaurant in Downtown Las Vegas. On top of being called "Heart Attack Grill" (which gives an idea of the kind of food served), the sign also states that if someone weighs more that 350 pounds (or 157 kg), this guy eats for free. Inside the restarurant you find some TV's with footage of obese guys eating burgers in the dirtiest manner ever and sexy nurses taking care of them when they had a heart attack. In front of the restaurant there was a group of nurses giving away flyers complaining against something. "Obvious" I though. I went to check it out and they explained their reivindications to me. THEN I was shocked. They weren't complaining about a restaurant making apology of obesity and the heart problem it brings with it. They were complaining that the restaurant had waitresses dressed up as sexy nurses, and they thought that that was degrading. Ok, so just let me inform you that if your reivindication is the erradication of nurses as a sexual icon, you still have a looong way to go. But the fact that the 33.8% of the population in this country is suffering from obesity (I'm not meaning overweight, I mean obesity) doesn't seem to be anyone's concern.

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