Una de les raons per les quals vam decidir anar a Las Vegas, va ser per poder anar a veure el Las Vegas Airshow. La veritat és que s'ho saben muntar bé aquests americans. Quan diuen que fan un espectacle aeri, el fan de veritat. Aqui et posen avions de tota mena, foc, helicòpters...
One of the reasons we came to Vegas was to to see Las Vegas Airshow.
And honestly, americans know how to do shows. When they do it, they do
it thoroughly. They use any kind of airplanes, fire, helicopters...
El fet important del dia, tot i així, va ser que vam tenir la oportunitat de conèixer a un astronauta de la NASA, el Michael López-Alegria, que ha estat 4 vegades a l'espai i que ens va dir que encara podiem ser astronautes, que erem joves. I que estudiant el que estem estudiant (Màster en Enginyeria Aeroespacial) anem per bon camí. Tot i que els altres no van donar salts d'alegria amb aquesta noticia, jo, que somio de dia, ja em va fer volar la meva imaginació de si un dia pugués sortir a l'espai i veure la terra des de fora...
But anyways, the important fact of the day was that we had the chance of meeting an astronaut from NASA: Michael López-Alegria, who has been four times in space and told us that we were still young to become astronauts, we were still on time. And that studyind Aerospace Engineering was a good way to get there. Even though the others weren't so excited about this, I'm a daydreamer and that statement made my imagination fly about me being in outer space and being able to see the earth from outside...
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