diumenge, 30 d’octubre del 2011

Beverly Hills sunset

Beverly Hills és cèlebre per ser el lloc on viuen tots els famosetes de Hollywood i les estrelles dels gossips americans. Té grans mansions, però la veritat és que no és gaire apasionant de veure per que a la que has vist unes quantes cases ostentadores, ja les has vist totes. No dic que no valgui la pena de visitar, però senzillament no té més. Un dels plans que fa la gent que té temps és anar a "caçar estrelles", és a dir, esperar pel voltant de la casa de, diguem, la Julia Roberts i esperar a que entri o surti per fer-li fotos. No em sembla un plan apassionant, però, eh, crec que s'ha de fer. Que no sigui dit que no aprofito el meu temps a l'Estat Daurat.
Mentre no faig aquest pla, us deixo amb un parell de postes de sol on el mont que hi ha al fons és, com no, una de les "hills" de Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills is famous for being the place where many of the stars from Hollywood live. It has big mansions but, honestly, it is not a thrilling experince once you've seen them from the outside. I'm not saying it's not worth visiting, but it doesn't have much more to offer. On eof the things that people with time do is "hunting stars", which means waiting in a theoretically "hot spot" (such as outside the house of a star such as, let's say Julia Roberts) until she comes out or goes back. I don't think it's the most amazing activity in the world but, hey, I think I have to do it once. I don't want to hear that I'm not making the most of my stay in the Golden State.
Meanwhile, I just post a couple of sunsets where the background hill is one of the "hills" in Beverly Hills.

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