Sent sincer, mai he estat un gran aficionat als vins. Suposo que deu ser com el cafè, son begudes a les quals t'hi has d'acostumar i mai he fet l'esforç. Però això no treu que em cridés l'atenció fer una cata i que un expert m'expliqués què s'ha d'olorar i sentir. De la mateixa manera que menjar cuina molecular no ho considero alimentar-se, fer una cata de vins m'ho prenc com alguna cosa més enllà del si està bo o dolent. I la veritat és que va ser tot un encert anar-hi. Vam fer una escapada d'un dia a Baja California, Mèxic, cap a les vinyes que tinguessin la descripció més llarga a internet. Després de sobreviure a la conducció suïcida dels mexicans (conductors o peatons), vam arribar a les vinyes de Santo Tomás. Allà vam passejar pels cultius, vam fer els tasts i ens van explicar l'origen de cada tipus de vi. Notes de vainilla, mel, mantega, caramel, fruits del bosc... Hi havia sabors complicats de notar, però d'altres eren tan evidents que sorprenia no haver-los notat mai!
Being honest, I've never been a huge fan of wine. I guess it's like coffee, you got to get used to it to enjoy it, but I've never made the effort. This doesn't mean, though, that I wasn't interested on going wine-tasting and having an expert to teach me what to smell and taste. In the same way I believe that eating molecular cuisine is beyond being fed, I believe that wine-tasting is beyond deciding if something is just good or bad. And the truth is that going there was actually a pretty good idea! We did a day-trip to Baja California, Mexico, towards the vineyards that had the longest internet description. After surviving the mexican suicide driving style (from both drivers and pedestrians), we got to Santo Tomás vineyard. Over there we walked through their fields, we did some wine-tasting and learned about the origin of every kind of wine. Vanilla notes, honey, butter, caramel, berries... There were some flavours difficult to find, but others were so obvious that I'm surprised that I had never realized about them before!

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