Fins ahir, l'única cosa que em venia a la ment quan sentia parlar de l'Independence Day era el Will Smith salvant al planeta d'una invasió extraterrestre. Clar, això fins ahir. A partir d'ara, quan senti a parlar de l'Independence Day, em vindrà a la ment una sobredosi d'ús de banderes americanes, en un pais on ja de per si no és dificil veure'n. Tot i així, és propablement la festa més oberta i més pública que hagi viscut als Estats Units. A Newport tothom té la seva casa oberta per a que forasters desconeguts com nosaltres puguin entrar a gaudir de la celebració. Sovint la gent ens preguntava si nosaltres no teniem una festa de la independència, a lo que contestàvem que si. Celebrem el dia que la vam perdre. Que, a sobre, és l'onze de setembre. Bàsicament, al sentir això ens deiem que aleshores els catalans ens assemblem a l'afició de la selecció irlandesa, on tant fa guanyar o perdre, si no que l'important és celebrar.
El dia es pot resumir en anar per Newport Beach en bicicleta entrant a la casa de gent que no coneixiem. El Jaimie (un amic americà del Lluís) ens va començar a portar a cases d'amics seus que ens van acollir amb els braços oberts. I aquests amics a cases d'amics seus. I a casa d'amics dels amics dels amics.
Until yesterday, the only thing that came to my mind when I heard someone talking about the Independence Day, was Will Smith saving the planet from an alien invasion. Clearly, that was just until yesterday. From now on, Independence Day will bring images of an overdose of American flags in a country in which they aren't very difficult to find in a regular day anyways. Despite the patriotism implied in the party, July 4th is probably the most open party in which I have been in the US. Newport was packed with people that had their houses open to unknown foreigner's like us to join the celebration. Pretty oftenly, people would ask us whether if we had an Independence Day too, to which we answered yes. We actually do. We celebrate the day that we lost independence. And, on top of that, it's on September 11th. Basically, when people heard that, we got compared with the Irish national team followers. Because it doesn't matter if you win or lose when the important thing is the celebration.
The day could be easily summarized in us going by bicycle in Newport Beach, going into houses of people that we didn't know. Jaimie (an American friend of Lluis) took us to some of his friends' houses who received us with open arms. There, we went to friends of the friends' houses. And then friends of friends of friends' houses.
The day could be easily summarized in us going by bicycle in Newport Beach, going into houses of people that we didn't know. Jaimie (an American friend of Lluis) took us to some of his friends' houses who received us with open arms. There, we went to friends of the friends' houses. And then friends of friends of friends' houses.
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