En el meu darrer vol, vaig tenir tormenta elèctrica mentre volava. Vaig intentar fer-n'hi fotos, ja que era molt espectacular. Però, com comprendreu, no va ser gens fàcil enfocar i disparar a la negror de la nit, i a sobre encertar el moment en el que hi havia un llamp. A sobre, quan van començar les turbulències es va fer cada cop més complicat, però ho vaig seguir intentar fins que hi va haver un moment al qual va començar a sortir el sol.
In my last flight, I had an electric storm while flying. I tried to take some picture since it was so spectacular. But, as you may imagine, it was pretty hard to focus and shoot to the blackness of the night and yet catch the precise moment of a lightning. On top of that, when turbulences started, it became even more difficult. But I kept on trying until I realized that the sun was rising.
Increïble la sortida del Sol, Carles