Allà vam agafar un tour a cavall amb totes les expectatives de fer un passeig al més pur estil Disneylandia. Però no va ser ben bé el cas, al menys al principi. Primer de tot cal tenir en compte que els cavalls saben apreciar si el genet és expert o no. En el nostre cas la resposta era clara com l'aigua per a ells: "Els nostres genets no en tenen ni idea i farem el que ens dongui la gana. Els guies han dit que ens piquin amb les cames i els hi fa por picar massa fort". Un dels guies em va dir que anàvem pujats en Mustangs, informació totalment superflua per mi en aquell moment i crec que falsa, reflexionant a posteriori. Els Mustangs, a més de ser un flamant model de Ford, també són els cavalls salvatges que habiten als Estats Units i que provenen de cavalls espanyols domesticats que es van escapar. Total, que vaig acabar negociant amb el meu Rocinante sobre quin seria el tracte. Al final vam acordar que ell faria el que li dongués la gana i jo faria fotos. I que ell no trotaria. Això ho vaig negociar molt sabiament, cada vegada que el cavall es posés a trotar, jo em descoordinaria tot el que pugués per que fos profundament incómode per ell seguir. Va entendre el meu ferm missatge després de diversos intents. Un cop controlat aquest tema, ja si que només quedava gaudir de la espectacularitat dels paissatges i sentir-me com si fos el John Wayne en un western.
Monument Valley is probably one of the most emblematic images of the US due to all westerns that have been filmed there. But it isn't as common as a destination for visitors from California as it would seem, since it is pretty far from anywhere. However, it is still closer than Mount Rushmore, which is in the middle of nowhere.
There we took a horseback riding tour expectations piece-of-cake-ish walk as if we were in Disneyland. But it wasn't quite the case, at least at first. The first step is to note that the horses can tell if the rider is skilled or not. In our case the answer was crystal clear to them: "Our riders don't have a clue what they're doing and we'll do as we please. The guides told them to hit us with their legs and they're scared to kick too hard". Actually, one of the guides told me that we were riding in Mustangs, which happened to be totally superfluous information to me at that time and, thinking about it later, probably false. Mustangs, besides being a beautiful car model made by Ford, are also wild horses that live in the US that come from domesticated Spanish horses that escaped. Anyway, I ended up negotiating with my Rocinante about what would be a deal for the both of us. Finally we agreed that he would do whatever he wished and I would take photos of the place. And absolutely no trotting allowed. I negotiated this very wisely, whenever he would try to start trotting, I would behave in a totally uncoordinated manner that would be deeply uncomfortable for him to follow. He understood my strong message after several attempts. Once everything was set, all I had to do was to enjoy the spectacular scenery and feel like I was another "John Wayne" in a western movie.
There we took a horseback riding tour expectations piece-of-cake-ish walk as if we were in Disneyland. But it wasn't quite the case, at least at first. The first step is to note that the horses can tell if the rider is skilled or not. In our case the answer was crystal clear to them: "Our riders don't have a clue what they're doing and we'll do as we please. The guides told them to hit us with their legs and they're scared to kick too hard". Actually, one of the guides told me that we were riding in Mustangs, which happened to be totally superfluous information to me at that time and, thinking about it later, probably false. Mustangs, besides being a beautiful car model made by Ford, are also wild horses that live in the US that come from domesticated Spanish horses that escaped. Anyway, I ended up negotiating with my Rocinante about what would be a deal for the both of us. Finally we agreed that he would do whatever he wished and I would take photos of the place. And absolutely no trotting allowed. I negotiated this very wisely, whenever he would try to start trotting, I would behave in a totally uncoordinated manner that would be deeply uncomfortable for him to follow. He understood my strong message after several attempts. Once everything was set, all I had to do was to enjoy the spectacular scenery and feel like I was another "John Wayne" in a western movie.

fantàstic el cavall passant de tot! ben domesticat!!!